Thursday, May 7, 2009


The clock is ticking...
So many years already flicking

So many more to live....
So many moments to cherish

The emotions your heart really feels..
All gone in one tick.

I wonder why....
In this big bad world

Some run behind the penny
Some play with feelings of many

Some fight for pleasures so worldly
Just to fulfill their dreams greedy

Why cant we just live...a life
So happy...
So joyful...
So playful...
So loving...

Without the painful cry
When one day you know you will die...


  1. Agreed!!..
    I think we cannot get that 'HAPPY WORLD' cuz of discontentment within us..where ppl start comparing with each other..!
    Please stop comparing with others guyss...thats the starting point of your troubles and are what you are and you cannot be the other person whom you are COMPARING with..!
    Yes compare to a very little extent,for your good but not do add more grief..

  2. Truly Sweths...U have brought out the essence of it....
